‘Experience Harvest’ in Sedbergh

Harvest is in full swing in Sedbergh! Today we welcomed 50 pupils from Sedbergh Primary School to St Andrew’s for ‘Experience Harvest’. There will be another 70 tomorrow, and then on Monday 30 pupils from Dent Primary School.

‘Experience Harvest’ has been put together by Judith Bush and her wonderful team of volunteers. There are five stations for the children to think about different elements of harvest that we give thanks for; the garden, the sea, wheat and bread, clay from the earth, and wool from sheep. Each station is linked to one of the ‘fruits of the Spirit’: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

You are welcome to pop into St Andrew’s in Sedbergh over the weekend to take a look for yourself.


An evening with Emma Richardson exploring Pioneering Mission