Growing in Faith

We believe that God desires all to grow in faith, hope, and love, to know and be known by him, and to live this out in daily life.

Articles exploring faith

If you would like to contribute an article exploring faith, please email

Discussion Groups

In addition to our Sunday worship (see here) there are a number of midweek groups which will help encourage you in your faith journey. If you are interested in trying out one of these groups, please get in touch with the contacts listed below.

If you would like a discussion to explore issues to do with faith and life, please do get in touch with Rev’d Andy Burgess on 015396 20018 or

Tuesday Bible Study

7.30pm, Tuesdays, Sedbergh

Bible Study, fellowship, worship, reflection, and prayer.

Contact: Steve & Julie Taylor, 07927 519530,

Thursday Bible Study

7pm, Thursdays, Dent

For Christians who want to deepen their faith.

Contact: Polly Buchanan, 07396 803061,

Northumbria Community Group

2.30pm, last Thursday of the month, Sedbergh

Northumbria prayers, meditation, and discussion.

Contact: Barbara Maunder, 015396 21773,

Cursillo Group

10am, first and third Fridays of the month, Sedbergh

Meeting to encourage one another in discipleship.

Contact: Judith Bush, 015396 20058,

Friday Discussion Group

7.30pm, Fridays fortnightly, Sedbergh

Encouraging an honest and inclusive understanding of Christian faith.

Contact: Martin Dodds, 015396 20308,