Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III

Happy Coronation Day! Yesterday we welcomed 250 people into St Andrew’s Sedbergh across our different services to celebrate the King’s Coronation, and collected £327 for The Prince’s Trust.

First, at our Children’s service, we enjoyed processing and waving our flags to a Kingly fanfare before attending the King’s feast and helping “King Gordon of Dentington” find his lost clothes! Tony Reed Screen also brought in a real life ceremonial sword to give us a flavour of what will be on display today. Thanks to Gordon Hosker, Tony Reed Screen, Margie, and Anne Reed Screen.

Then later in the evening we gathered to celebrate the coronation with prayers, hymns, tunes, and anthems with Sedbergh Town Band and the Choir. With thanks to Tony Reed Screen our organist, Andrew Maynard our Choirmaster, Iwan Lewis as Town Band Conductor, and all those who contributed to the service.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the service and have a happy coronation day! God save the King.


Blessings for Same-Sex Marriages and Civil Partnerships in The Parish of Sedbergh and Lune


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