Full Name
Preferred title (if any)
Postal address and Post Code
Email address
1) I declare that:
Notes: Only those who are sixteen or over are eligible to be registered on the electoral roll. A lay person is anyone who is not a member of clergy. If you have been christened as an infant, you have been baptised.
A) I am baptised, am a lay person, and am aged 16 or over
2) I declare that:
Please select one of the following options
A) I am a member of the Church of England and am a resident in the parish.
B) I am a member of the Church of England, am not resident in the parish, but have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the preceding six months.
C) I am a member in good standing of a Church which is not in communion with the Church of England, but subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, am also a member of the Church of England, and have habitually attended public worship in the parish during the preceding six months.
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White Cross weekly newsletter (Anglican)
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By checking this box you are consenting to the Parish of Sedbergh and Lune to holding and processing your data in relation to your membership of the electoral roll. If you have opted into our Email Mailing List, you are also consenting to the Western Dales Mission Community holding and processing your data to keep you informed about news, events, activities and services. We will not share your contact information with anyone else without your permission unless required to do so by law. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by contacting the WDMC administrator – admin@westerndales.org.uk. (Please note that individual churches may continue to hold personal data on the GDPR grounds of a charitable body having a ‘legitimate interest’ for holding data for carrying out its purposes such as communicating with its members.)
I declare that the above answers are true and I apply for inclusion on the church electoral roll of the Parish of Sedbergh and Lune. I understand that this requires the Parish of Sedbergh and Lune to hold and process my data.